PGN is proudly represented by 3 pillars that unite our members: Professionalism, Social, and Pillanthropy. Explore these pillars and their significance down below.

This pillar is what drives and equips our members to pursue their passions and surpass their career goals in the professional world. With over 30 majors across our members, our organization offers a wide breadth of exposure to various fields, companies, and professional workshops. PGN members benefit greatly through professional development from one on one mentorship within our Big Brother and Alumni Mentor programs.
The social pillar is a fundamental aspect of PGN, as it helps create strong bonds across all member classes, laying the groundwork for lasting connections and friendships. PGN members partake in various seasonal events throughout the year, from the apple orchard outing in the fall to a ski trip in the winter. However, when in need of a social fix during a typical week, there are plenty of opportunities to get together, whether it be through attending a group dinner or friendly intramural volleyball game.

Our philanthropy pillar allows our members to consistently and creatively leave a positive impact on the Champaign community by giving back to organizations we care about, such as DREAAM, Adopt a Highway, and CU at Home. We provide different opportunities to engage in the community, ranging from mentoring kids after school to cleaning up a local park. PGN also hosts Mr. Business, a male pageant show to raise money for the Boys and Girls Club, along with Compete for a Cure, which is a 5k that supports a different charity each year.